Judges Report

Current AGCO Official Race Reports

Tweets by AGCO_Racing


As part of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s commitment to transparency and enhanced communication, the AGCO will pilot the release of race reports after a day / evening of racing. Additionally, real time communication for critical in-race calls will be enhanced with the use of Twitter.

The AGCO race reports will be available online and will include details on the calls made by Race Officials during each race and other insights impacting each race card. Daily Race reports are common in other racing jurisdictions and have been advocated for by the betting public for additional wagering insights and by participants for improving consistency.

The pilot is being launched at Western Fair Raceway in April 2017. The intent of the pilot is to get the right processes in place before potentially expanding the initiative to other racetracks. The AGCO hopes to be able to share the results of the pilot and potential next steps for expanding the service across the Province in July.

The AGCO and the Western Fair District have partnered with Standardbred Canada during this pilot project to post these reports on race nights.